So Good Farms

Assignment: Concept communication and presentation materials for Investors, City Council and Mayoral approvals, Auburn University leaders, Development Team formation facilitation and participation, authored strategic marketing plan, key message creation, copywriting, website development

So Good Farms is a proposed 950-acre opportunity to be located on Lake Martin, Alabama, using the steep woodland slopes, flat arable parcels and lush riparian corridors for the creation of a one-of-a-kind environment. The carefully developed culture will be focused on both the needs and opportunities of Neuro Diverse Young Adults on the Autism spectrum and with Down Syndrome. 

So Good Farms will be the catalyst for innovation, creativity and community involvement for Neuro Diverse Young Adults and their parents, providing opportunities to make a living, reside in small group cottages, and to lead vibrant, independent lives.

The faith-based, nonprofit, working organic farm, education hub and retail village will be created to forever transform the way that Neuro Diverse Young Adults and their community perceive the value and range of their contributions.